2007年5月6日 星期日


Karma has twin laws of cause and effect. They are inseparable. Without profound devotion and love, karma cannot become a means for liberation. Karma creates bondage for human beings by creating obstacles in the path of self-realization. The philosophy of reincarnation is inseparable from the philosophy of karma. They are one and the same.

When we devote our mind, energy, and resources to believing in that which is non-existent, then it appears to exist. Don’t contemplate on evil, devils, or sins and thereby put yourself in a state of stress and worry. Even spiritual people become preoccupied with blaming the world for their lack of progress. This weakness is significant in creating obstacles. For lack of sincerity, honesty, faithfulness and truthfulness, we do not realize that which we are. We project our weaknesses and think that the objects of the world are the source of our obstacles.

Excerpt: ~ Living with the Himalayan Masters ~
